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Home > Supplement > Eye protection > Blackmores BLACKMORES 無腥味魚油迷你膠囊400粒
澳洲BLACKMORES 無腥味深海魚油 迷你膠囊 400粒
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澳洲BLACKMORES 無腥味深海魚油 迷你膠囊 400粒
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Blackmores 無腥味魚油幫助維持您的心臟、皮膚、眼睛和大腦健康。

使用 Blackmores 魚油 1000 粒 無味膠囊 幫助維持您的心臟、皮膚、眼睛和大腦健康。

該配方提供優質的 omega-3 天然來源,非常適合每週不吃 2 到 3 次魚的人。

Blackmores Fish Oil 1000 Odorless 從 100% 野生捕撈的魚中提取。提取過程可確保經過汞、二噁英和多氯聯苯測試的純淨優質油。

成人建議每天服用 2 粒膠囊。

400 粒膠囊



* 天然魚油 1 克(1000 毫克),含 300 毫克 omega-3 海洋甘油三酯,二十碳五烯酸 (EPA) 180 毫克,二十二碳六烯酸 (DHA) 120 毫克


  • 僅服用一劑建議,或按照專業規定服用。
  • 隨餐服用。
  • 無法吞嚥的兒童:刺破膠囊,將內容物擠入牛奶、果汁或麥片中,立即食用。不要整個吞下。
  • 對於心臟、皮膚和一般健康: 成人:每天服用 2 粒膠囊。
  • 對於大腦和眼睛健康: 成人:每天服用 3 粒膠囊。
  • 為了健康成長和發育: 2-17 歲兒童:每天服用 2 粒膠囊。

存放在 30°C 以下的干燥處,避免陽光直射。


  • 始終閱讀標籤並遵循使用說明。
  • 如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家
  • 補充劑可能僅在飲食攝入不足時才有幫助
  • 包含魚、亞硫酸鹽和大豆製品
  • 如果您有任何既往疾病,或正在服用任何藥物,請務必在使用前諮詢您的健康專家
  • 某些產品應在任何擇期手術前至少兩週停用,請與您的健康專家確認
  • 僅在成人監督下用於兒童。不建議 1 歲以下兒童 (遠離幼兒)。

Boosts omega-3 intake for people who don’t eat enough fish!

  • Provides omega-3s to support optimal health in a small capsule.
  • May help maintains heart, brain & eye health.
  • May reduce inflammation and joint swelling.
  • 40% smaller than ordinary fish oil capsule*, easy to swallow with the same greatness
    * Compares to Odurless Fish Oil 1000

Fish oil is a great way to boost omega-3 intake for people who don’t eat enough fish, however sometimes large capsules can be hard to swallow. Blackmores Odourless Fish Oil Mini Caps provide the same strength of omega-3s as a standard fish oil 1000 mg but in a half-sized capsule. Plus they are odourless and don’t use artificial surfactants, so you don’t get the fishy aftertaste. 

400 capsules

Place of origin

Active Ingredients
Concentrated fish omega-3 triglycerides 500 mg equiv. total omega-3 acids expressed as triglycerides 330 mg (including total EPA + DHA 300 mg).


As an omega-3 supplement:

Adults – Take 2 capsules a day with a meal, or as professionally prescribed.
Children 2-12 years - Take 1 capsule a day (pierce and squeeze into milk, juice or cereal), or as professionally prescribed.

For joint inflammation:

Adults – Take up to 4 capsules 3 times a day with meals, or as professionally prescribed.
Children under 12 years – Only as professionally prescribed.


If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.
Store below 30 °C in a dry place away from direct sunlight.

Warm Remind 
**This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.

BlackmoresBLACKMORES 無腥味魚油迷你膠囊400粒


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Blackmores 無腥味魚油幫助維持您的心臟、皮膚、眼睛和大腦健康。

使用 Blackmores 魚油 1000 粒 無味膠囊 幫助維持您的心臟、皮膚、眼睛和大腦健康。

該配方提供優質的 omega-3 天然來源,非常適合每週不吃 2 到 3 次魚的人。

Blackmores Fish Oil 1000 Odorless 從 100% 野生捕撈的魚中提取。提取過程可確保經過汞、二噁英和多氯聯苯測試的純淨優質油。

成人建議每天服用 2 粒膠囊。

400 粒膠囊



* 天然魚油 1 克(1000 毫克),含 300 毫克 omega-3 海洋甘油三酯,二十碳五烯酸 (EPA) 180 毫克,二十二碳六烯酸 (DHA) 120 毫克


  • 僅服用一劑建議,或按照專業規定服用。
  • 隨餐服用。
  • 無法吞嚥的兒童:刺破膠囊,將內容物擠入牛奶、果汁或麥片中,立即食用。不要整個吞下。
  • 對於心臟、皮膚和一般健康: 成人:每天服用 2 粒膠囊。
  • 對於大腦和眼睛健康: 成人:每天服用 3 粒膠囊。
  • 為了健康成長和發育: 2-17 歲兒童:每天服用 2 粒膠囊。

存放在 30°C 以下的干燥處,避免陽光直射。


  • 始終閱讀標籤並遵循使用說明。
  • 如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家
  • 補充劑可能僅在飲食攝入不足時才有幫助
  • 包含魚、亞硫酸鹽和大豆製品
  • 如果您有任何既往疾病,或正在服用任何藥物,請務必在使用前諮詢您的健康專家
  • 某些產品應在任何擇期手術前至少兩週停用,請與您的健康專家確認
  • 僅在成人監督下用於兒童。不建議 1 歲以下兒童 (遠離幼兒)。

Boosts omega-3 intake for people who don’t eat enough fish!

  • Provides omega-3s to support optimal health in a small capsule.
  • May help maintains heart, brain & eye health.
  • May reduce inflammation and joint swelling.
  • 40% smaller than ordinary fish oil capsule*, easy to swallow with the same greatness
    * Compares to Odurless Fish Oil 1000

Fish oil is a great way to boost omega-3 intake for people who don’t eat enough fish, however sometimes large capsules can be hard to swallow. Blackmores Odourless Fish Oil Mini Caps provide the same strength of omega-3s as a standard fish oil 1000 mg but in a half-sized capsule. Plus they are odourless and don’t use artificial surfactants, so you don’t get the fishy aftertaste. 

400 capsules

Place of origin

Active Ingredients
Concentrated fish omega-3 triglycerides 500 mg equiv. total omega-3 acids expressed as triglycerides 330 mg (including total EPA + DHA 300 mg).


As an omega-3 supplement:

Adults – Take 2 capsules a day with a meal, or as professionally prescribed.
Children 2-12 years - Take 1 capsule a day (pierce and squeeze into milk, juice or cereal), or as professionally prescribed.

For joint inflammation:

Adults – Take up to 4 capsules 3 times a day with meals, or as professionally prescribed.
Children under 12 years – Only as professionally prescribed.


If symptoms persist, see your healthcare professional.
Store below 30 °C in a dry place away from direct sunlight.

Warm Remind 
**This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease.

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