Home > Supplement > Whitening, anti-aging skin > KDERM - K’DERM 法國童顏綜合丸(美白丸) 一盒 30 粒︳綜合美白膳食補充劑︳延緩衰老︳美白淡斑︳補充肌膚水分

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K’DERM 法國童顏綜合丸(美白丸) 一盒 30 粒
皮膚是會老化的器官。 為了保持其美麗和青春,必須保護它免受外部損害,尤其是防止可能妨礙其正常運作的缺陷。
K'Derm 美肌膳食補充劑經過特殊配製,可在皮膚開始鬆弛和失去彈性時對抗衰老跡象。
獨特配方包含 5 種活性成分,
• Kappa 彈性蛋白
• 硒
• 維生素C
• 維生素E
• SOD 醇溶蛋白(一種由甜瓜提取物和小麥蛋白組成的複合物)日復一日,結合您的 K'Derm 護膚產品,Beautiful Skin 膳食補充劑有助於恢復年輕、容光煥發的膚色。
建議用法 :
容量: 30粒/盒
保存方法: 請置放於陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直接照射
孕婦/對麥類食品過敏人群, 服用前請諮詢醫生專業意見.
產品詳情請參閱包裝上說明。 圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。
K’DERM Lifter Beautiful Skin Dietary Supplement 30 capsules
After 4 weeks, the skin is beautiful, white and tender, moisturized, elastic, fine lines are reduced, comprehensive supplements and repairs, and the beauty is extended from the inside out!
The skin is an organ which ages. In order to preserve its beauty and youthfulness, it must be protected from external damage and in particular from deficiencies which can prevent it functioning correctly.
K’Derm beautiful skin dietary supplements, are specially formulated to combat the signs of ageing, as the skin begins to slacken and lose its elasticity.
Its totally innovative, unique formula includes 5 active ingredients whose combined action helps restore the skin’s youthfulness and beauty:
• Kappa Elastin
• Selenium
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E
• SOD Gliadin (a complex composed of melon extract and wheat protein) Day after day, combined with your K’Derm skincare products, the Beautiful Skin dietary supplement helps restore a youthful, radiant complexion.
Suggested usage:
1. One capsules each day after breakfast and dinner
2. Contains Gluten.
Capacity: 30 capsules/box
Made in France
Storage: Please place in a cool and dry place, avoid direct sunlight
1. Pregnant/people who are allergic to wheat foods, please consult a doctor for professional advice before taking.
2. This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease
For details, please refer to the label on the product.
The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.
KDERM - K’DERM 法國童顏綜合丸(美白丸) 一盒 30 粒︳綜合美白膳食補充劑︳延緩衰老︳美白淡斑︳補充肌膚水分
In Stock (12)
K’DERM 法國童顏綜合丸(美白丸) 一盒 30 粒
皮膚是會老化的器官。 為了保持其美麗和青春,必須保護它免受外部損害,尤其是防止可能妨礙其正常運作的缺陷。
K'Derm 美肌膳食補充劑經過特殊配製,可在皮膚開始鬆弛和失去彈性時對抗衰老跡象。
獨特配方包含 5 種活性成分,
• Kappa 彈性蛋白
• 硒
• 維生素C
• 維生素E
• SOD 醇溶蛋白(一種由甜瓜提取物和小麥蛋白組成的複合物)日復一日,結合您的 K'Derm 護膚產品,Beautiful Skin 膳食補充劑有助於恢復年輕、容光煥發的膚色。
建議用法 :
容量: 30粒/盒
保存方法: 請置放於陰涼乾燥處,避免陽光直接照射
孕婦/對麥類食品過敏人群, 服用前請諮詢醫生專業意見.
產品詳情請參閱包裝上說明。 圖片只供參考,一切以實物為準。
K’DERM Lifter Beautiful Skin Dietary Supplement 30 capsules
After 4 weeks, the skin is beautiful, white and tender, moisturized, elastic, fine lines are reduced, comprehensive supplements and repairs, and the beauty is extended from the inside out!
The skin is an organ which ages. In order to preserve its beauty and youthfulness, it must be protected from external damage and in particular from deficiencies which can prevent it functioning correctly.
K’Derm beautiful skin dietary supplements, are specially formulated to combat the signs of ageing, as the skin begins to slacken and lose its elasticity.
Its totally innovative, unique formula includes 5 active ingredients whose combined action helps restore the skin’s youthfulness and beauty:
• Kappa Elastin
• Selenium
• Vitamin C
• Vitamin E
• SOD Gliadin (a complex composed of melon extract and wheat protein) Day after day, combined with your K’Derm skincare products, the Beautiful Skin dietary supplement helps restore a youthful, radiant complexion.
Suggested usage:
1. One capsules each day after breakfast and dinner
2. Contains Gluten.
Capacity: 30 capsules/box
Made in France
Storage: Please place in a cool and dry place, avoid direct sunlight
1. Pregnant/people who are allergic to wheat foods, please consult a doctor for professional advice before taking.
2. This product is not registered under the Pharmacy and Poisons Ordinance or the Chinese Medicine Ordinance. Any claim made for it has not been subject to evaluation for such registration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat or prevent any disease
For details, please refer to the label on the product.
The picture above is for reference only. The real object should be considered as final.