Home > Baby Accessories > Sterilizer, steam cooker, disinfectant water > Baby Swipe Hand Sanitiser Foam (Refill 800ml)

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消毒搓手泡泡 (補充裝 800ml)
- 無酒精、免沖水配方
- 採用歐洲優質醫療級消毒成分苯扎氯銨*
- 通過【水中銀**】安全測試及國際權威測試
- 除菌達 99.99% 兼有效殺滅流感病毒(H3N2, H5N1, H1N1)
- 植物粹取成分,無香料、色素,無添加有害成分(不含MIT、Parabens、SLS、塑化劑、Triclosan等),温和不刺激
- 蘊含滋潤保濕成分,通過皮膚敏感測試,呵護 BB 皮膚。
Hand Sanitiser Foam (Refill 800ml)
- Alcohol-free, Clinical grade hand sanitizer containing Benzalkonium Chloride 0.1%, and helps remove germs up to 99.99% and effective in killing Flu viruses*
- Passed Vitargent’ s** Acute Toxicity and Estrogen Equivalent tests with an excellent Green Fish Grading with no banned or highly concerning ingredients identified.
- Plant-base non irritating formula, harsh chemicals FREE! DOES NOT contain MIT, Parabens, SLS, Phthalates, Tricosan, etc.
- Contains moisturizer, laboratory tested, safe on baby skin.
- Rinse free formula with soft and smooth foam.
Baby SwipeHand Sanitiser Foam (Refill 800ml) $123

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消毒搓手泡泡 (補充裝 800ml)
- 無酒精、免沖水配方
- 採用歐洲優質醫療級消毒成分苯扎氯銨*
- 通過【水中銀**】安全測試及國際權威測試
- 除菌達 99.99% 兼有效殺滅流感病毒(H3N2, H5N1, H1N1)
- 植物粹取成分,無香料、色素,無添加有害成分(不含MIT、Parabens、SLS、塑化劑、Triclosan等),温和不刺激
- 蘊含滋潤保濕成分,通過皮膚敏感測試,呵護 BB 皮膚。
Hand Sanitiser Foam (Refill 800ml)
- Alcohol-free, Clinical grade hand sanitizer containing Benzalkonium Chloride 0.1%, and helps remove germs up to 99.99% and effective in killing Flu viruses*
- Passed Vitargent’ s** Acute Toxicity and Estrogen Equivalent tests with an excellent Green Fish Grading with no banned or highly concerning ingredients identified.
- Plant-base non irritating formula, harsh chemicals FREE! DOES NOT contain MIT, Parabens, SLS, Phthalates, Tricosan, etc.
- Contains moisturizer, laboratory tested, safe on baby skin.
- Rinse free formula with soft and smooth foam.