- 只需一滴®,即可攝入滿滿陽光維生素
- 美國媽媽精選獎 - 優秀獎獲獎得主
- 有助於幫助機體抵抗功能和保持身體健康
- 膳食補充劑
- 歐洲滴管科技™
- 內容已通過 NSF® 認可
- Non-GMO 項目驗證
維生素 D 是夏天暴露於陽光下時在皮膚中產生的維生素 (UVB),只存在於少數食品中。
維生素 D 是保護骨骼健康和肌肉功能正常必不可少的營養物質。
25-羥維生素 D 檢查是檢測血液中的維生素 D 的主要方法手段。美國國家醫級院建議人體血液中的維生素 D 濃度不宜超過 20 納克/毫升。
研究發現,血液中的 25-羥維生素 D 濃度高於 20 納克/毫升時,人的身體狀況更佳。維生素 D3 營養補充劑可能對避免日曬的人群特別優效。
成年人 * 每日 1 滴,或遵醫囑。可以放到食物上,添加到飲品中,或用勺子等餐具吃。
將瓶子直立存放於 40℉ 至 85℉ 條件下。
- The Sunshine Vitamin in Just One Drop®
- Mom's Choice Awards - Honoring Excellence
- Helps Support Immune Function and Maintenance of Good Health
- Dietary Supplement
- Euro Dropper Technology™
- Contents Certified NSF®
- Non GMO Project Verified
Vitamin D is made in the skin when exposed to summer sunshine (UVB) and is present in only a few foods.
Vitamin D is necessary for healthy bones and normal muscle function.
Vitamin D can be measured with a blood test for 25-Hydroxyvitamin D. The National Academy of Medicine recommends this level should be higher than 20 ng/ml.
Research findings show a 25 (OH)D blood level above 20 ng/ml is related to better health. A vitamin D3 supplement may be especially helpful for anyone who avoids exposing skin to sunshine.
Suggested use
Adults - Take 1 drop daily or as directed by a health care practitioner. May be put on food, added to a drink or licked from a clean surface such as a spoon.
Other ingredients
Fractionated coconut oil.
Does not contain: Corn, casein, dairy, egg, fish, gluten, lactose, peanuts, shellfish, soy, starch, sugar, sulphites, wheat, yeast, preservatives, artificial coloring or artificial flavors.
Store bottle upright and between 40°F and 85°F.
Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if security seal on bottle is broken.
Original Price
- 只需一滴®,即可攝入滿滿陽光維生素
- 美國媽媽精選獎 - 優秀獎獲獎得主
- 有助於幫助機體抵抗功能和保持身體健康
- 膳食補充劑
- 歐洲滴管科技™
- 內容已通過 NSF® 認可
- Non-GMO 項目驗證
維生素 D 是夏天暴露於陽光下時在皮膚中產生的維生素 (UVB),只存在於少數食品中。
維生素 D 是保護骨骼健康和肌肉功能正常必不可少的營養物質。
25-羥維生素 D 檢查是檢測血液中的維生素 D 的主要方法手段。美國國家醫級院建議人體血液中的維生素 D 濃度不宜超過 20 納克/毫升。
研究發現,血液中的 25-羥維生素 D 濃度高於 20 納克/毫升時,人的身體狀況更佳。維生素 D3 營養補充劑可能對避免日曬的人群特別優效。
成年人 * 每日 1 滴,或遵醫囑。可以放到食物上,添加到飲品中,或用勺子等餐具吃。
將瓶子直立存放於 40℉ 至 85℉ 條件下。
- The Sunshine Vitamin in Just One Drop®
- Mom's Choice Awards - Honoring Excellence
- Helps Support Immune Function and Maintenance of Good Health
- Dietary Supplement
- Euro Dropper Technology™
- Contents Certified NSF®
- Non GMO Project Verified
Vitamin D is made in the skin when exposed to summer sunshine (UVB) and is present in only a few foods.
Vitamin D is necessary for healthy bones and normal muscle function.
Vitamin D can be measured with a blood test for 25-Hydroxyvitamin D. The National Academy of Medicine recommends this level should be higher than 20 ng/ml.
Research findings show a 25 (OH)D blood level above 20 ng/ml is related to better health. A vitamin D3 supplement may be especially helpful for anyone who avoids exposing skin to sunshine.
Suggested use
Adults - Take 1 drop daily or as directed by a health care practitioner. May be put on food, added to a drink or licked from a clean surface such as a spoon.
Other ingredients
Fractionated coconut oil.
Does not contain: Corn, casein, dairy, egg, fish, gluten, lactose, peanuts, shellfish, soy, starch, sugar, sulphites, wheat, yeast, preservatives, artificial coloring or artificial flavors.
Store bottle upright and between 40°F and 85°F.
Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if security seal on bottle is broken.