人體皮膚經紫外線 (UVB) 照射後可產生維生素 D,此外,我們還可以通過食物和營養補充劑來補充維生素 D。
維生素 D 是保護骨骼健康和肌肉功能正常必不可少的營養物質。
25-羥維生素 D 檢查是檢測血液中的維生素 D 的主要方法手段。醫級研究所建議人體血液中的維生素 D 濃度不宜超過 20 納克/毫升。
維生素 D 營養補充劑有助於補充 25-羥維生素 D,從而確保維生素 D 維持在健康水準。
研究髮現,血液中的 25-羥維生素 D 濃度高於 20 納克/毫升時,人的身體狀況更佳。維生素 D3 營養補充劑可能對避免日曬的人群特別優效。
- 只需一滴,即可攝入滿滿陽光維生素
- 美國媽媽精選獎 - 優秀獎獲獎得主
- 每滴 2000 國際單位
- 180 滴
- 為健康加分
- 膳食補充劑
- 歐洲 DDropper™ 科技
- GMP 優質產品
成年人——每天服用1滴,或遵健康護理執業人士指導。可以加入食物、飲品中食用, 或通過勺子等乾淨的餐具舔食。
將瓶子直立放置,並放在 40-85℉ 環境下。放在兒童接觸不到的地方。如果瓶子上的安心密封破損,請勿使用。
Helps support immune function and maintenance of good health.
Vitamin D is essential for optimal bone health, muscle maintenance and immune functions.
Ddrops® 2000 IU is specifically formulated to boost and maintain vitamin D intake in just one convenient, and tasteless drop, eliminating the need for sugary gummies or large capsules.
Made with a patented blend of two naturally sourced ingredients, pure vitamin D3 and fractionated coconut oil, each drop contains 2000 IU of vitamin D. Our clinically studied formula is made without preservatives, additives, colors and common allergens.
- The Sunshine Vitamin in Just One Drop®
- Mom's Choice Awards - Honoring Excellence
- 2000 IU Per Drop
- Dietary Supplement
- Euro DDropper™ Technology
- NSF® Contents Certified
- Non GMO Project Verified
Suggested use
Adults - Take 1 drop daily or as directed by your health care practitioner. May be put on food, added to a drink or licked from a clean surface such as a spoon.
Other ingredients
Fractionated coconut oil, tocopherols (as a natural antioxidant).
Does not contain: corn, casein, dairy, egg, fish, gluten, lactose, peanuts, sesame, shellfish, soy, starch, sugar, sulphites, wheat, yeast, artificial preservatives, artificial coloring or artificial flavors.
Store bottle upright and between 40°F and 85°F. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if security seal on bottle is broken.
Original Price
人體皮膚經紫外線 (UVB) 照射後可產生維生素 D,此外,我們還可以通過食物和營養補充劑來補充維生素 D。
維生素 D 是保護骨骼健康和肌肉功能正常必不可少的營養物質。
25-羥維生素 D 檢查是檢測血液中的維生素 D 的主要方法手段。醫級研究所建議人體血液中的維生素 D 濃度不宜超過 20 納克/毫升。
維生素 D 營養補充劑有助於補充 25-羥維生素 D,從而確保維生素 D 維持在健康水準。
研究髮現,血液中的 25-羥維生素 D 濃度高於 20 納克/毫升時,人的身體狀況更佳。維生素 D3 營養補充劑可能對避免日曬的人群特別優效。
- 只需一滴,即可攝入滿滿陽光維生素
- 美國媽媽精選獎 - 優秀獎獲獎得主
- 每滴 2000 國際單位
- 180 滴
- 為健康加分
- 膳食補充劑
- 歐洲 DDropper™ 科技
- GMP 優質產品
成年人——每天服用1滴,或遵健康護理執業人士指導。可以加入食物、飲品中食用, 或通過勺子等乾淨的餐具舔食。
將瓶子直立放置,並放在 40-85℉ 環境下。放在兒童接觸不到的地方。如果瓶子上的安心密封破損,請勿使用。
Helps support immune function and maintenance of good health.
Vitamin D is essential for optimal bone health, muscle maintenance and immune functions.
Ddrops® 2000 IU is specifically formulated to boost and maintain vitamin D intake in just one convenient, and tasteless drop, eliminating the need for sugary gummies or large capsules.
Made with a patented blend of two naturally sourced ingredients, pure vitamin D3 and fractionated coconut oil, each drop contains 2000 IU of vitamin D. Our clinically studied formula is made without preservatives, additives, colors and common allergens.
- The Sunshine Vitamin in Just One Drop®
- Mom's Choice Awards - Honoring Excellence
- 2000 IU Per Drop
- Dietary Supplement
- Euro DDropper™ Technology
- NSF® Contents Certified
- Non GMO Project Verified
Suggested use
Adults - Take 1 drop daily or as directed by your health care practitioner. May be put on food, added to a drink or licked from a clean surface such as a spoon.
Other ingredients
Fractionated coconut oil, tocopherols (as a natural antioxidant).
Does not contain: corn, casein, dairy, egg, fish, gluten, lactose, peanuts, sesame, shellfish, soy, starch, sugar, sulphites, wheat, yeast, artificial preservatives, artificial coloring or artificial flavors.
Store bottle upright and between 40°F and 85°F. Keep out of reach of children. Do not use if security seal on bottle is broken.