使用 Swisse Beauty Skin Regenesis+ 展現肌膚的自然光澤,這是一種精心調製的肉桂混合物,旨在支持糖代謝,而鋅則旨在支持碳水化合物代謝。
每粒膠囊都融合了α硫辛酸、生物素、維生素 A、維生素 C、鉻、銅和鋅等必需營養素。
維生素 C 可支持膠原蛋白形成、皮膚再生,有助於保持健康、容光煥發的皮膚。這款優質配方是您日常滋養肌膚的盟友,體現了 Swisse 對整體美麗和健康的奉獻精神。
- 肉桂和鉻支持糖和碳水化合物的代謝
- 維生素 C 可支持膠原蛋白形成和皮膚再生
- 富含維生素和礦物質
- 含有 ALA 和肉桂
- 生物素 25 微克
- 維生素 A(視黃醇棕櫚酸酯)112.50 mcg/RE
- 維生素 C(抗壞血酸)25 毫克
- 鉻(取自吡啶甲酸鉻)20 微克
- 銅(來自氧化銅)375 微克
- 鋅(來自鋅氨基酸螯合物)7.5 毫克
- α-硫辛酸 50 毫克
- 肉桂(肉桂萃取物 100 毫克)當量。乾莖皮 1.5 克
- 如果您已懷孕或考慮懷孕,請勿在未諮詢醫生或藥劑師的情況下服用維生素 A 補充劑。當維生素 A 攝取量超過 3000 微克/RE 時,可能會導致出生缺陷。
- 所有來源的維生素 A 每日建議攝取量為女性 700 微克/RE,男性 900 微克/RE。
- 維生素和礦物質補充劑不應取代均衡飲食。
- 這種藥可能不適合您。購買前請務必閱讀標籤和任何警告。請遵循使用說明。如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家。只有當膳食攝取不足時,補充劑可能才有幫助。
儲存於 25°C 以下陰涼乾燥處。若蓋子密封破損,請勿使用。
Unveil your skin's natural radiance with Swisse Beauty Skin Regeneration+, a carefully curated blend with cinnamon, designed to support sugar metabolism and zinc, designed to support carbohydrate metabolism. Each capsule is a fusion of essential nutrients like alpha lipoic acid, biotin, vitamin A, vitamin C, chromium, copper, and zinc. Vitamin C supports collagen formation, skin regeneration and helps maintain healthy, glowing skin. This premium formula is your daily ally in nurturing your skin, embodying Swisse's dedication to holistic beauty and wellness.
- Cinnamon and chromium support sugar and carbohydrate metabolism
- Vitamin C supports collagen formation and skin regeneration
- Rich in vitamins and minerals
- Contains ALA and Cinnamon
Each capsule contains:
- Biotin 25 mcg
- Vitamin A (retinol palmitate) 112.50 mcg/RE
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 25 mg
- Chromium (from chromium picolinate) 20 mcg
- Copper (from cupric oxide) 375 mcg
- Zinc (from zinc amino acid chelate) 7.5 mg
- Alpha Lipoic Acid 50 mg
- Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia extract 100 mg) equiv. dry stem bark 1.5 g
Allergen Information
Contains phenylalanine, soya beans & sulfites. No added lactose, gluten, yeast, egg or artificial flavours.
Adult Dosage:
Two capsules daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
- If you are pregnant, or considering becoming pregnant, do not take vitamin A supplements without consulting your doctor or pharmacist. When taken in excess of 3000 mcg/RE, vitamin A can cause birth defects.
- The recommended daily amount of vitamin A from all sources is 700 mcg/RE for women and 900 mcg/RE for men.
- Vitamin & mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.
- This medicine may not be right for you. Always read the label and any warnings before purchase. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.
Store below 25°C in a cool, dry place. Do not use if cap seal is broken.
Original Price
使用 Swisse Beauty Skin Regenesis+ 展現肌膚的自然光澤,這是一種精心調製的肉桂混合物,旨在支持糖代謝,而鋅則旨在支持碳水化合物代謝。
每粒膠囊都融合了α硫辛酸、生物素、維生素 A、維生素 C、鉻、銅和鋅等必需營養素。
維生素 C 可支持膠原蛋白形成、皮膚再生,有助於保持健康、容光煥發的皮膚。這款優質配方是您日常滋養肌膚的盟友,體現了 Swisse 對整體美麗和健康的奉獻精神。
- 肉桂和鉻支持糖和碳水化合物的代謝
- 維生素 C 可支持膠原蛋白形成和皮膚再生
- 富含維生素和礦物質
- 含有 ALA 和肉桂
- 生物素 25 微克
- 維生素 A(視黃醇棕櫚酸酯)112.50 mcg/RE
- 維生素 C(抗壞血酸)25 毫克
- 鉻(取自吡啶甲酸鉻)20 微克
- 銅(來自氧化銅)375 微克
- 鋅(來自鋅氨基酸螯合物)7.5 毫克
- α-硫辛酸 50 毫克
- 肉桂(肉桂萃取物 100 毫克)當量。乾莖皮 1.5 克
- 如果您已懷孕或考慮懷孕,請勿在未諮詢醫生或藥劑師的情況下服用維生素 A 補充劑。當維生素 A 攝取量超過 3000 微克/RE 時,可能會導致出生缺陷。
- 所有來源的維生素 A 每日建議攝取量為女性 700 微克/RE,男性 900 微克/RE。
- 維生素和礦物質補充劑不應取代均衡飲食。
- 這種藥可能不適合您。購買前請務必閱讀標籤和任何警告。請遵循使用說明。如果症狀持續存在,請諮詢您的健康專家。只有當膳食攝取不足時,補充劑可能才有幫助。
儲存於 25°C 以下陰涼乾燥處。若蓋子密封破損,請勿使用。
Unveil your skin's natural radiance with Swisse Beauty Skin Regeneration+, a carefully curated blend with cinnamon, designed to support sugar metabolism and zinc, designed to support carbohydrate metabolism. Each capsule is a fusion of essential nutrients like alpha lipoic acid, biotin, vitamin A, vitamin C, chromium, copper, and zinc. Vitamin C supports collagen formation, skin regeneration and helps maintain healthy, glowing skin. This premium formula is your daily ally in nurturing your skin, embodying Swisse's dedication to holistic beauty and wellness.
- Cinnamon and chromium support sugar and carbohydrate metabolism
- Vitamin C supports collagen formation and skin regeneration
- Rich in vitamins and minerals
- Contains ALA and Cinnamon
Each capsule contains:
- Biotin 25 mcg
- Vitamin A (retinol palmitate) 112.50 mcg/RE
- Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 25 mg
- Chromium (from chromium picolinate) 20 mcg
- Copper (from cupric oxide) 375 mcg
- Zinc (from zinc amino acid chelate) 7.5 mg
- Alpha Lipoic Acid 50 mg
- Cinnamon (Cinnamomum cassia extract 100 mg) equiv. dry stem bark 1.5 g
Allergen Information
Contains phenylalanine, soya beans & sulfites. No added lactose, gluten, yeast, egg or artificial flavours.
Adult Dosage:
Two capsules daily, during or immediately after a meal, or as directed by a healthcare professional.
- If you are pregnant, or considering becoming pregnant, do not take vitamin A supplements without consulting your doctor or pharmacist. When taken in excess of 3000 mcg/RE, vitamin A can cause birth defects.
- The recommended daily amount of vitamin A from all sources is 700 mcg/RE for women and 900 mcg/RE for men.
- Vitamin & mineral supplements should not replace a balanced diet.
- This medicine may not be right for you. Always read the label and any warnings before purchase. Follow the directions for use. If symptoms persist, talk to your health professional. Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate.
Store below 25°C in a cool, dry place. Do not use if cap seal is broken.