Blackmores Folate 是一種方便劑量的葉酸,專為計劃懷孕的女性開發,這些女性可能無法從飲食中獲得足夠的葉酸水平。
Blackmores 還提供其他含有葉酸的產品,根據您的需求,這些產品可能更適合您。
如果您正在嘗試懷孕,請考慮服用專為孕前護理而配製的Blackmores Conceive Well Gold™ ,它提供支持正常受孕和懷孕的重要營養素,包括葉酸。
一旦懷孕,請考慮更換為Blackmores 懷孕和哺乳金裝。這是一種優質、全面的配方,含有對母親和嬰兒有益的維生素、礦物質和必需脂肪酸。
- 有助於在嘗試懷孕時和懷孕前三個月預防神經管缺陷,例如脊柱裂
- 維持體內葉酸水平
- 協助健康的紅血球生成
- 支持整體健康和福祉
- 方便一日一劑
- 葉酸 500 微克
葉酸是一種水溶性 B 群維生素,參與 DNA 和 RNA 的合成以及將維生素 B12 活化為其活性形式。葉酸存在於新鮮綠葉蔬菜、綠花椰菜、蘑菇、豆類、堅果和強化穀物中。
成人– 每天 1 片,隨餐服用,或依專業處方服用。
- 請務必閱讀標籤並遵循使用說明
- 只有當飲食攝取不足時,補充劑可能才有幫助
- 含有大豆製品
- 除非醫生建議,否則不要超過規定的葉酸劑量。如果您的嬰兒患有神經管缺陷,您應該尋求具體的醫療建議
- 不可與 Blackmores Conceive Well Gold、Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold、Blackmores I-Folic 或其他含葉酸補充劑一起服用
- 在服用多種懷孕產品之前,請務必諮詢您的健康專業人士
- 如果您有任何既往病史,或正在服用任何藥物,請務必在使用前諮詢您的健康專業人士
- 某些產品應在任何選擇性手術前至少兩週停止使用,請與您的健康專業人員確認
Blackmores Folate is a convenient dose of folic acid developed for women planning pregnancy who may not get adequate levels of folic acid in their diet.
Blackmores also has other products containing folic acid which may be more suitable depending on your needs.
If you are trying to conceive consider taking Blackmores Conceive Well Gold™ formulated for preconception care, it supplies nutrients that are important to support normal conception and pregnancy, including folic acid.
Once pregnant consider changing to Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold. This is a premium, comprehensive formulation which contains vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids beneficial for both mother and baby.
- Helps to prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida when trying to conceive and during the first trimester of pregnancy
- Maintains folic acid levels in the body
- Assists healthy red blood cell production
- Supports general health and wellbeing
- Convenient one-a-day dosage
Active ingredients per tablet
- Folic acid 500 microgram
A water-soluble B group vitamin, folate is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA and the activation of vitamin B12 into it's active form. Folic acid is found in fresh green leafy vegetables, broccoli, mushrooms, legumes, nuts and fortified cereals.
Physical description
Adults – Take 1 tablet a day with a meal, or as professionally prescribed.
- Always read the label and follow the directions for use
- Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate
- Contains soya bean products
- Do not exceed the stated dose of folic acid except on medical advice. If you have had a baby with a neural tube defect you should seek specific medical advice
- Not to be taken with Blackmores Conceive Well Gold, Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold, Blackmores I-Folic, or other folic acid containing supplements
- Always talk to your health professional before taking multiple products for pregnancy
- If you have any pre-existing conditions, or are on any medications always talk to your health professional before use
- Some products should be ceased at least two weeks before any elective surgery, please confirm with your health professional
Original Price
Blackmores Folate 是一種方便劑量的葉酸,專為計劃懷孕的女性開發,這些女性可能無法從飲食中獲得足夠的葉酸水平。
Blackmores 還提供其他含有葉酸的產品,根據您的需求,這些產品可能更適合您。
如果您正在嘗試懷孕,請考慮服用專為孕前護理而配製的Blackmores Conceive Well Gold™ ,它提供支持正常受孕和懷孕的重要營養素,包括葉酸。
一旦懷孕,請考慮更換為Blackmores 懷孕和哺乳金裝。這是一種優質、全面的配方,含有對母親和嬰兒有益的維生素、礦物質和必需脂肪酸。
- 有助於在嘗試懷孕時和懷孕前三個月預防神經管缺陷,例如脊柱裂
- 維持體內葉酸水平
- 協助健康的紅血球生成
- 支持整體健康和福祉
- 方便一日一劑
- 葉酸 500 微克
葉酸是一種水溶性 B 群維生素,參與 DNA 和 RNA 的合成以及將維生素 B12 活化為其活性形式。葉酸存在於新鮮綠葉蔬菜、綠花椰菜、蘑菇、豆類、堅果和強化穀物中。
成人– 每天 1 片,隨餐服用,或依專業處方服用。
- 請務必閱讀標籤並遵循使用說明
- 只有當飲食攝取不足時,補充劑可能才有幫助
- 含有大豆製品
- 除非醫生建議,否則不要超過規定的葉酸劑量。如果您的嬰兒患有神經管缺陷,您應該尋求具體的醫療建議
- 不可與 Blackmores Conceive Well Gold、Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold、Blackmores I-Folic 或其他含葉酸補充劑一起服用
- 在服用多種懷孕產品之前,請務必諮詢您的健康專業人士
- 如果您有任何既往病史,或正在服用任何藥物,請務必在使用前諮詢您的健康專業人士
- 某些產品應在任何選擇性手術前至少兩週停止使用,請與您的健康專業人員確認
Blackmores Folate is a convenient dose of folic acid developed for women planning pregnancy who may not get adequate levels of folic acid in their diet.
Blackmores also has other products containing folic acid which may be more suitable depending on your needs.
If you are trying to conceive consider taking Blackmores Conceive Well Gold™ formulated for preconception care, it supplies nutrients that are important to support normal conception and pregnancy, including folic acid.
Once pregnant consider changing to Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold. This is a premium, comprehensive formulation which contains vitamins, minerals and essential fatty acids beneficial for both mother and baby.
- Helps to prevent neural tube defects such as spina bifida when trying to conceive and during the first trimester of pregnancy
- Maintains folic acid levels in the body
- Assists healthy red blood cell production
- Supports general health and wellbeing
- Convenient one-a-day dosage
Active ingredients per tablet
- Folic acid 500 microgram
A water-soluble B group vitamin, folate is involved in the synthesis of DNA and RNA and the activation of vitamin B12 into it's active form. Folic acid is found in fresh green leafy vegetables, broccoli, mushrooms, legumes, nuts and fortified cereals.
Physical description
Adults – Take 1 tablet a day with a meal, or as professionally prescribed.
- Always read the label and follow the directions for use
- Supplements may only be of assistance if dietary intake is inadequate
- Contains soya bean products
- Do not exceed the stated dose of folic acid except on medical advice. If you have had a baby with a neural tube defect you should seek specific medical advice
- Not to be taken with Blackmores Conceive Well Gold, Blackmores Pregnancy & Breast-Feeding Gold, Blackmores I-Folic, or other folic acid containing supplements
- Always talk to your health professional before taking multiple products for pregnancy
- If you have any pre-existing conditions, or are on any medications always talk to your health professional before use
- Some products should be ceased at least two weeks before any elective surgery, please confirm with your health professional